
  • The award-winning author will receive a prize of $25,000.
  • The award will be presented at a public event co-hosted by the The National Writers Series in Traverse City, MI in April 2026. 
  • The award-winner will participate in a 2-3 day residency at Interlochen Center for the Arts in April 2026. The scope and nature of this engagement will be created to suit the award winner.

Eligible Books

  • This prize recognizes the best of fiction or nonfiction literature that centers on the creative process of an artist or the arts—broadly defined—as its theme. 
  • Eligible books include full-length books of fiction and nonfiction or collections of short stories and/or essays by a single author. Books of poetry are not eligible.
  • Works must be originally created in English and cannot be self-published.
  • The publication date must fall within two years before the submission deadline of May 1, 2025.
  • Books by current Interlochen Center for the Arts faculty or staff and books by authors who were members of Interlochen’s faculty or staff at the time the book was written are not eligible.
  • We follow Community of Literary Magazines and Presses Guidelines for contests and are committed, in all we do, to the highest ethical standards. If you are a close personal friend, family member, student (outside of brief, one-off workshops), or if you have engaged the editing/consultation services of any Book Committee Member, or if you are a former or current intern or staff member of any Book Committee Member, please refrain from submitting. Email us at if you have questions about eligibility.

Criteria for Selection

  • The books considered for this award will inspire, illuminate, or exemplify creative achievement in fields such as creative writing, dance, film and new media, music, theatre, and visual arts.

Nomination Process

  • Nominators must complete an award submission form for each book submitted.
  • The entry form opens on November 20, 2024 and closes on May 1, 2025.
  • There is no cost to submit a book for the award.
  • The Selection Committee will be made up of representatives from Interlochen Center for the Arts and The National Writers Series.
  • Finalists will be contacted in September 2025 for review copies. Interlochen will request from the publishers seven copies and a PDF of those books selected for further review. The winning author will be announced in November 2025 and will participate in an awards ceremony and residency at Interlochen in April 2026.


The Red Wheelbarrow is a quarterly literary magazine edited and produced by Creative Writing majors in collaboration with Visual Arts majors. A public reading/performance is held to celebrate the launch of each issue. 

Current Interlochen Arts Academy students in all arts majors are welcome to submit their writing and visual artwork for consideration by the editors. Singer-Songwriters are invited to submit songs to be played live at the reading.        

The deadline for submissions for the third Red Wheelbarrow of the school year will be Friday, April 11 by 11:59pm EDT. The reading/performance for this issue will be on Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30pm. Red Wheelbarrow Writing Submission Guidelines: 

  • Students may submit poems, flash fiction, short stories or fiction excerpts, creative nonfiction (personal essay or memoir), scripts/screenplays, and experimental/unclassifiable writing.
  • Students are limited to 3 submissions for poetry and 2 submissions for prose and scripts/screenplays (maximum 5 pieces total).
  • Prose and script/screenplay excerpts are limited to 5,000 words.
  • Please remove your name from each individual piece before submitting. If your name appears on the document or in the title of the file, the piece will not be considered by editors. 
  • Please submit each individual piece separately. 
  • Following the instructions on Submittable, upload each submission as a .docx ONLY. To download as a .docx from Google Drive, click on File, select Download as from the dropdown menu, and select Microsoft Word (.docx) from the dropdown menu. 

Notification for All Submitters:   If your work is selected, you will be notified by the editors via e-mail. Due to the volume of submissions, editors are not able to respond to every submission.       

    We look forward to receiving your submissions!    

    Thank you,      

    The Editors


The Red Wheelbarrow is a quarterly literary magazine edited and produced by Creative Writing majors in collaboration with Visual Arts majors. A public reading/performance is held to celebrate the launch of each issue.    

Singer-Songwriters are invited to submit songs to be played live at the reading. Song lyrics will also be published in the journal.    

The deadline for submissions for the third Red Wheelbarrow of the school year will be Friday, April 11 by 11:59pm EDT. The reading/performance for this issue will be on Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30pm.

Red Wheelbarrow Submission Guidelines: 

  • Students are limited to 3 song submissions.
  • Students can submit collaboratively written songs.
  • Please submit each song separately.
  • Each song should be uploaded as as a MP3 following the instructions on Submittable.
  • Accepted singer-songwriters must be prepared to participate in a performance on Wednesday, May 1 at 7:30pm.

Notification for All Submitters: If your work is selected, you will be notified by the editors via e-mail. Due to the volume of submissions, editors are not able to respond to every submission.     

   We look forward to receiving your submissions!    

   Thank you,    
The Editors


The Red Wheelbarrow is a quarterly literary magazine edited and produced by Creative Writing majors in collaboration with Visual Arts majors. A public reading/performance is held to celebrate the launch of each issue.    

Current Interlochen Arts Academy students in all arts majors are welcome to submit their writing and visual artwork for consideration by the editors.    

The deadline for submissions for the third Red Wheelbarrow of the school year will be Friday, April 11 by 11:59pm EDT. The reading/performance for this issue will be on Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30pm.

Visual Arts Submissions:

  • Students are limited to 3 Visual Art submissions.
  • Visual Art submissions will be reproduced in full color.
  • All Visual Art submissions MUST include a title, or please specify if the piece is untitled. Please also list the media, as you would on the plaque in a gallery.
  • Please do not include your name in the title of the file.
  • Each submission should be uploaded as a .jpeg or .PDF following the instructions on Submittable.

Notification for All Submitters: If your work is selected, you will be notified by the editors via e-mail. Due to the volume of submissions, editors are not able to respond to every submission.     

 We look forward to receiving your submissions!    
 Thank you,    
The Editors

The Interlochen Review is an online literary journal edited by creative writing students of Interlochen Arts Academy. We’re thrilled to invite high school writers, singer-songwriters and artists (grades 9-12 or high school postgraduate year) from around the world to submit their work. We look forward to receiving a diverse range of voices and welcome work that exhibits passion, skill, and an innovative approach to craft.

The deadline for Hybrid Genres submissions is Monday, April 21, 2025 by 11:59pm. Submissions can be uploaded using our Submittable account. Please follow the submission guidelines below.

Hybrid Genres- We welcome work that subverts genre distinctions or does not fit in any of our other categories. These may include film essay/poem, photo essay, new media writing, performance documentation, mixed-media experiments, or any other hybrid work. Each hybrid genre piece must be submitted and uploaded individually as a .docx, .PDF, .mp3, .mp4, .mov, or .jpeg.

 We’re looking forward to receiving your work!


  The Editors of the Interlochen Review

Interlochen Review Visual Arts Submission Guidelines:

  The Interlochen Review is an online literary journal edited by creative writing and visual arts students of Interlochen Arts Academy. We’re thrilled to invite high school artists (grades 9-12 or high school postgraduate year) from around the world to submit their work. We look forward to receiving a diverse range of pieces and welcome work that exhibits passion, skill, and an innovative approach to the arts.

  The deadline for visual arts submissions will be Monday, April 21 by 11:59pm, Eastern Standard Time. Submissions can be uploaded using our Submittable account. Please follow the submission guidelines below.

Individual Visual Arts submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Students are limited to 10 visual arts submissions total. 
  • Submissions must be 300 dpi and no greater than 8" x 10".
  • Each submissions must be uploaded separately in .jpeg, .tif, .PDF, .mp4 or .mov file formats. 
  • Please list the medium(s) use to create each piece.
  • Any medium is accepted; 2D or 3D photographed. Art films or video documentation welcome.
  • Black and white or full color welcome. 
  • If you are interested in submitting a visual arts portfolio instead of individual pieces, please see the submission guidelines for portfolios below. 
  • Pieces submitted in portfolios may also be submitted individually.
  • All submissions must be accompanied by a brief author or artist bio. Please do not include your name anywhere on the submission except for in the bio statement. 
  • We do accept work recognized by Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and YoungArts. We do not accept previously published work from other journals, online or in print, with the exception of work that has appeared previously in the Red Wheelbarrow.  

       Please e-mail us at with any questions.

       We’re looking forward to receiving your work!


       The Editors of the Interlochen Review


Interlochen Review Visual Arts Portfolio Submission Guidelines:

The Interlochen Review is an online literary journal edited by creative writing students of Interlochen Arts Academy. We’re thrilled to invite talented high school artists (grades 9-12 or high school postgraduate year) from around the world to submit their work. We look forward to receiving a diverse range of pieces and welcome work that exhibits passion, skill, and an innovative approach to the arts.

The deadline for visual arts portfolio submissions is Monday, April 21 by 11:59pm, Eastern Standard Time. Submissions can be uploaded using our Submittable account. Please follow the submission guidelines below.

Visual Arts Portfolios must adhere to the following submission guidelines:


  • Students wishing to submit a portfolio of up to 20 pieces of artwork that are connected aesthetically and/or thematically should submit these using the Visual Arts Portfolio category.
  • Students are limited to submitting one Visual Arts Portfolio.
  • All pieces in the portfolio should be uploaded as one submission.
  • Submissions in portfolios must be 300 dpi and no greater than 8" x 10"
  • Submissions in portfolios can be uploaded in .jpeg, .tif, .PDF, .mp4 or .mov file formats.
  • Please include the title of each piece and the medium(s) used to create it in the file name. For example, "Overflow (oil on wood).jpeg"
  • Any medium is accepted; 2D or 3D photographed. Art films or video documentation welcome.
  • Black and white or full color welcome.
  • All portfolios must be accompanied by an artistic statement explaining how the portfolio is connected aesthetically and/or thematically and describing what themes or artistic processes the artist is exploring in this collection. Please do NOT include your name in the artist statement.
  • All submissions must be accompanied by a brief artist bio. Please do not include your name anywhere on the submission except for in the bio statement.

      We do accept work recognized by Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and YoungArts. We do not accept previously published work from other journals, online or in print, with the exception of work that has appeared previously in the Red Wheelbarrow.  Please e-mail us at with any questions.

      We’re looking forward to receiving your work!


      The Editors of the Interlochen Review


Interlochen Arts Academy